Computer Assisted Language Learning
Call first introduced in Mainframe university at 1960th . The several reason Why call was built? Because the development of education is very low, from the graphic of ability it’s very small. So, any ideas to establish call ( computer asserted language learning) So other that, it make easy to user in the learning process.
Selasa, 13 Desember 2011
English Department Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta
Hello guys, I am student English department Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. I'm so happy become a student in here because many lesson I got from there such as How to write which is we have learned about paragraph, essay and research many a lot of things because I love writing so many knowledge from English Department. Many advantages from there , actually in first semester I am so nervous because if I standing in front of people make me not confidence but my lecturer always give support for us to show our ability and now step by step I was improved my ability. So Let's join with English department and if you want to join with PBI please click here
Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011
Handbook_Of_Psychology__Vol_6,_Developmental_Psychology.pdf - - berbagi-pakai dokumen - unduh - Handbook_Of_Psychology__Vol_6,_Developmental_Psychology.pdf
Handbook_Of_Psychology__Vol_6,_Developmental_Psychology.pdf - - berbagi-pakai dokumen - unduh - <a href="" target="_blank">Handbook_Of_Psychology__Vol_6,_Developmental_Psychology.pdf</a>
Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011
Educational psychology
Educational psychology
Nowadays, the need of teacher is very increasing every
year, because expectations of government to improve the quality of education
will be better every year. So many arguments
from other people say if the teacher is good so the young generation will be
better. But in this moment to become good teacher is very difficult and also if
we don’t have experience to teach well and don’t know about how the ways of
teaching and learning in classroom. Whereas this is the most important thing as
a teacher, but many teacher only teach but don’t have knowledge about how to be
good teacher, the characteristic of best teacher. They only give material for
the student, whereas will give bad effect for the young generation. Therefore,
we must know the effective ways of learning and teaching in education. We very
need the lesson about the educational psychology or principles of teaching so
for the teacher of the future will be better than now. And always observing for
the improving of learning process of education. So the aims of education will realize,
so Educational psychology is very important for teacher, because it’s tools for
effective teaching. If we learn about educational psychology we know about how
to teach well, and also step by step we will understand about the best of
characteristic teacher and the bad attitude teacher. As we teacher what will we
do to effective teaching in the classroom? Because we are student English department and
next will become a teacher for the future. So other that we must give good
attitude for your student. And also we must have professional knowledge and
skills and also commitment and motivation, we always remember teaching is one
of the holies of tasks. But, if we cannot explain well and have poor attitude
we can imagine with our student or the young generation.
Definition educational psychology in general, Educational
psychology is how to understanding teaching and learning in educational
settings. Moreover there are some opinions for definition Educational psychology.
According William James, educational psychology is the importance of observing
teaching and learning in the classroom. Can be defined as a teacher we always
pay attention with your student what are student have understood about material
or anything in learning process. This is the most important things for
improving learning process in classroom. So we will change educational setting
will be better. In according John Dewey emphasize the child’s adaptation to the
environment. We can make the conclusion by John Dewey opinion as a teacher we
must to teach how to adaption with condition in learning process in classroom
for example all of student can adapt with your friend in classroom and know
about the characteristic of your friend, so the effective ways of teaching and
learning process will be better. Any other opinion by E. L. Thorndike, Promoted
the idea that educational psychology must have a technical base and that dimension
should be a central focus. So if you as a teacher give the material for your
student should be focus what will you give for your student. If the student
cannot understand about the lesson so you must repeat the materials until the
student have understood. Don’t continue the new material if they don’t
understand, because the giving the material cannot receive well and the
effective of teaching and learning in classroom will fail. Actually definition
of educational psychology is too much, but the purpose of definition psychology
is how to improve the learning and teaching process in classroom and any
balanced between student and teacher.
In educational psychology there are three learning
goals or theories which are used in learning and teaching education, theorist
of learning is very important can brings good effect for us because from there
we can unite cognitive, moving, and environmental and experiences for acquiring
and etc, because theory in learning process
through our attention to those variables that are crucial in finding
solutions. But each theory have
strengthens and weakness. First theory is behaviorism, can be define is how a
person’s attitude to provide stimulation the individual and then how to
responds that stimulus and also study behavior in relation to the
environment. So from Theory behaviorism
we can take example as a teacher we must give stimulus for the student and how
the student respond our stimulus. Theory behaviorisms also focus on how
learning can change our behavior, central to explaining the learning process.
And the one point is very important the student must repeat their lessons that
are get in school, this several away how to student respond our stimulus that
have in the classroom. Second, theory cognitivism, if where behaviorism more
than environment, but cognitivism is the process of knowing. That theory in
learning and teaching education focus on previous knowledge is important,
differences between individuals are important as they will affect learning. Beside
that in this theory how the student
thinking and save our lesson in memory. So this theory teaches how teacher help
student to thinking or solving problem so can save in memory of their
brain. And the last theory
constructivism is humans create knowledge and meaning from a communication
between their experiences and their ideas. Therefore, each theory has
relationship because we can make the conclusion from the theory, human beings
can acquiring the knowledge if we have known and their can adaption with
environment. And any another concept according Ki Hajar Dewantara, has message
for us which is “ing ngarsa sung tulada, ing madya mangun
karsa, tut wuri handayani”
Its means “Tut wuri handayani “as a teacher should give support for the
student”, ing madya mangun karsa “ as a
teacher we should creation an idea”, ing ngarsa sung tuladha “ as a teacher
should give a good action and attitude “. Therefore, teacher can explore the
ability of your student to development our country, several away can be
creation an idea and make the condition more than interesting. Sometimes
teacher only used one theory in teaching and learning education that will
choose, whereas from three theories we can use whenever, but looked the
situation when used the first theories and the other theorist. So teaching and
le the aims of learning education in classroom and also the effective of
learning process will be success.
Purpose of learning
educational psychology , As we know that, teaching is one holies of the task
but we can see nowadays many teacher wherever, but we didn’t understand about the
purpose of teaching to all of student. Their only think I have done my work to
give material for the student. Therefore, we very need the lesson like
educational psychology. Because educational psychology a tool for effective
teaching and will know how the mentioned of effective teaching? Many argument
say that the effective teaching have professional knowledge and skills this is
the most important thing, the good teacher not only know about their subject,
actually have many knowledge about anything for example we are learn English
but we don’t have attitude for the environment or friend. Therefore the teacher
should give the lesson about the good attitude or insert the religious lesson.
And also manage the classroom for optimal learning. The several away for the
teacher to manage the classroom and all of student didn’t get bored in the
class. Effective teaching not only has knowledge and skills moreover must have
soft skills or motivation it’s means the teacher has good attitude; we can
imagine if the teacher have poor attitude so will influence for the young
generation. The good teachers also care about the student, if the students have
problem with the lesson or not understand about the material you can use theory
of cognitivism with away approach your student and try to solve the problem or
if your student didn’t we try approach maybe any personal problem with your
student. Characteristic of best teacher or how to be good teacher must have
sense of humor this is the first point because if we can make the situation in
the classroom, because if you just telling story your student will sleep in the
class. We can also give the material with humor. The other opinion about the
characteristic of best teacher makes the class interesting, explain the
material clearly so we have ready to explain the material for student and try
to effort focus on your material don’t make ambiguous the
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